Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Am I the superior race?

Life in Delhi has been difficult for Linda. Anywhere she goes she gets to hear lewd comments. Her only fault – she possesses all the features of a girl from north east India. Infact anybody from this part of the country is addressed to as “chinkies” – now definitely for their mongoloid eyes. Can we call this racism ? Writes Mercy Barkakoty...

Linda is a young and ambitious girl hailing from one of the beautiful states in North East India. Her parents have dreamt of a bright future for their daughter. To fulfill her dreams she has come to Delhi. Still in her twenties Linda studies in one of the reputed colleges in Delhi University. But the capital city has not given her a warm welcome. Life in Delhi has been difficult for her. Anywhere she goes she gets to hear lewd comments passed at her by people. Her only fault – she possesses all the features of a girl from north east India. Infact anybody from this part of the country is addressed to as “chinkies” – now definitely for their mongoloid eyes. Can we call this racism – the same word with the same meaning that everybody hates but yet is so prevalent in the country?

The country burns, political parties fight and protests take place when an Indian is abused in Australia or UK or the USA. But do we really care when the same thing happens within the country. Political parties opposed playing with the Australian team, the foreign ministry and the Home ministry had endless debates and discussions with their foreign counterparts to respond immediately to the plight of the Indians in Australia. But again they fail to stop racism in their own country.

This is not just the plight of Linda but of all those thousands of north eastern students especially girls, who come to Delhi every year for a fresh new beginning in their life. A lot of cases in the past have reflected the sorrowful state of the people from this region. Horrific tales of rape, molestation, abuses speak for itself – while some have been solved, some still remain in the files with just a number.

Huge uproar by the student community demanding stricter measures against such practices have put a lot of pressure on the government. Of late the Sheila Dixit government has been trying hard to curb such evils. Simultaneously a lot of women help numbers have also been activated for faster improvements. But it is not that always there has to be policemen present everywhere to check all these. What needs to be taken into account is the mindset of the people. I truly believe that a society can progress with a progressive mindset.

Laws can only help. So here I leave the floor open for answers and comments from my readers to find out for itself, the steps needed to be taken to prevent such malpractices. Is regionalism playing a dominant role over universal brotherhood? Is the fact that India is a diverse country with so many people with different and unique features hard to digest? Is it that higher education leading to narrower thinking? Or is it that we simply want to mind our own business rather than raising a voice against such evils in the society?

The answer lies in our mind and we know it। Otherwise who knows today, it is Linda who is suffering, tomorrow it might be us – same problem in a different place, in a different situation, in a different environment!! Let’s give it a thought.

(Mercy is a Journalist based in Delhi. She did her English Journalism from Indian Institute Of Mass Communication (IIMC, New Delhi). She worked in a prestigious Publication House in Delhi. At present she's with one of the leading English news dailies in the country. Having a good experience of working with various NGO's specifically in North-East, She loves her motherland and takes great pride in writing about issues pertaining to North-Eastern part of India.)

Sunday, 21 February 2010

मीडिया तौसे छिन न जाए वॉचडॉग का तमगा!

एक लेखिका

पिल सिब्बल शिक्षा व्यवस्था की सारी खामियां हटाने में जुटे हैं। ग्रेड सिस्टम, एक सिलेबस और उच्च तकनीकी संस्थाओं की बाढ़ लाने को तैयार है। नाकारा यूनिवर्सिटीज को ब्लैक-लिस्टेड किया जा रहा है। दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी फिल्म इंडस्ट्री अपनी ऊट-पटांग फिल्मों के बीच कभी समाज को आईना दिखाने की कोशिश करती है। आमिर खान सरीखे गिने चुने अभिनेता समाज के प्रति अपनी जिम्मेदारियां निभाने में जुटे है। उनका कहना है कि अगर बच्चे इडियट है तो भी कोई बात नहीं - उन्हें वो करने दो, जिसमें उनकी रूचि है।

देश भर से युवाओं और बच्चों की आत्महत्याओं की खबरों के बीच, लखनऊ के एक एम. ए. सी. टॉपर युवक के कमरे में बंद होकर अंधाधुंध फायरिंग करने की खबर आती है। घर वाले बताते है कि शमीम डिप्रेशन का शिकार था। पल भर में राष्ट्रीय समाचार चैनलों के कैमरे का फोकस वहां हो जाता है। पल पल की खबर। युवक की पॉजिशन- पुलिस का एक्शनसारे देश के दिमाग में सिर्फ एक उलझन, कि इस युवक को सही सलामत रखते हुए बंदूक छीनी कैसे जाए? करीब 38 घंटे के बाद पुलिस युवक को काबू कर पाने में कामयाब हो पाती है। लेकिन पल पल की रिर्पोटिंग देखकर एक सैंकेंड के लिए लगा, कि युवक तो मानसिक रूप से कमजोर है। मगर समाचार चैनलों मे तो देश का एक बड़ा बुद्धिमान वर्ग काम करता है। आखिर उसे क्या हो गया है? उसी दिन कॉमनवेल्थ शूंटिंग में दो खलाड़ी देश को गोल्ड मेडल दिलाते है। यह एक या दो मिनट के लिए स्क्रीन पर आता है। महंगाई की दर बढ़कर 8 फीसदी से ज्यादा हो जाती है और कोई समाचार चैनल इस विषय पर दस मिनट की बहस करने की जहमत भी नहीं उठाता है। शिबू सोरेन के सहायक पर सीबीआई कार्रवाई पर मातम जैसी शांति और तीन दिन पहले माओवादियों के खतरनाक इरादों के शिकार 24 जवानों की मौत पर कोई बैचेनी किसी समाचार चैनल के जरिए बाहर झांकती नजर नहीं आती।

एक दिन में सारे देश को मनोचिकित्सा के बारे में इतनी जानकारी हो जाती है। मगर भारत में बढ़ते मनोरोगियों की संख्या पर कोई चर्चा नहीं। शमीम को काबू करने की घटना का पल-पल का अपडेट और पुलिस को कोसने के बजाए अगर इस विषय पर एक नई बहस को जन्म मिलता तो दूसरों को अपने दायित्व निभाने की सीख देने वाले मीडिया के सही अर्थों में अपने दायित्व निभाने की बात सामने आ पाती। मगर इस अंतहीन बहस के अंत में बस इतनी सी बात कि मीडिया इन प्रश्रचिन्हों को हटाने के बजाए प्रश्रचिन्ह क्यों बन रहा है।

सहीं या गलत का निर्णय समय और परिस्थिति पर छोड़ दिया जाना चाहिए। पर सीमाएं तो तय करनी ही होगीं। कहने का यह मतलब बिल्कुल नहीं है, कि ऐसे शमीम की समस्या पर बात न हो, लेकिन असली समस्या से दूरी क्यों? ऐसी हरकतों से वॉचडॉग पर निगरानी के लिए भी अब किसी डॉग की जरुरत महसूस हो रही है। और, मीडिया से वॉचडॉग की संज्ञा छिनने का खतरा तो नजर आ ही रहा है।

(एक लेखिका जयपुर स्थित एक पत्रकार हैं। राजस्थान के शीर्ष अखबारों में से एक में काम करने के साथ आप रचनात्मक लेखन भी करती रही हैं। मीडिया, समाज और देश के गंभीर मुद्दों पर संबंधित लोगों के हल्के रूख से उद्वेलित रहती हैं।)

Monday, 15 February 2010

Sherkhan's will only be in books then..

Only 1411 of them are left now in the country. Their skins are in demand for rugs, wall hangings and fur coats. Even medicines are made from their bones and other parts. Just eight months we lost a total of 66 more. Yes, It is Our national animal Sherkhan or tiger we are talking about. Blogging, writing, sms-ing – do whatever it takes to spread the message. Writes Mercy Barkakoty...

The national animal of our nation is on the verge of extinction. A survey conducted by the Wildlife Protection Society of India has given us a clear image of the grievous situation. Different NGOs have also done a survey on its own and have come out with grim results. It depicts that in just eight months we lost a total of 66 tigers, which is a huge number in itself. The causes are manifold.

Blame it on poaching or disease or old age or man-animal conflict, we are moving a step ahead to losing the animal. Surely we do not wish our coming generation to find the tigers only in the history books. With rapid development the country is losing out its forests.

Where do the tigers go?? Their habitat is threatened by such developments.
There are just 1411 tigers left and the country must do something to stop this from happening.

Loss, fragmentation, and degradation of forests have been major factors in the decline of the tiger population. Illegal killing also plays an increasingly damaging role as tigers have become more vulnerable. Habitat loss remains a grave danger for the tiger, particularly in Asia. In India, where there is a human population problem, people are always looking for more room which infringes on the tiger habitat. When people reside close to tigers, they transform the ecological system with cattle and crops and this in turn harms the tigers.

Poaching of tigers has been playing a determining factor for the loss of the big cats. Tiger skins are in demand for rugs, wall hangings and fur coats. Even medicines are made from the bones and other parts of the tiger. The demand for such medicines is high in China and also in India. It is interesting to know that most of the tiger based drugs are found out only where there are Chinese communities. Poaching of tigers has also been prevalent in places like Myanmar, Vietnam and Laos where anti-poaching laws are lenient. We can say that China has a growing demand for tigers and this need to be sorted out as soon as possible.

The mating of tigers has also been a cause of concern. Recent surveys have found out that there are not enough female tigers compared to the male counterparts. Such a situation will only add to the decrease of the tigers.

Tiger being our national animal deserves the attention of the nation. Just 1411 tigers remaining – it is a grim situation. The government needs to go to that extra mile to save the tigers, not just save, but increase their numbers also. A strong political will is essential to curb the problem. Our country is a democracy. Let the voice of the general public be heard.

We being responsible citizens can definitely spread the awareness and send the message loud and clear, "Save-the-Tiger" to the concerned authorities. Blogging, writing, sms-ing – do whatever it takes to spread the message. Let us stand united against poaching. Let us demand stricter punishment for the poachers, because unless the poachers are handled with an iron fists the situation will remain critical. Let us join hands to "SAVE THE TIGER". A small initiative by everyone and we can help preserve them. The national animal should and must be protected.

Act responsibly, act now.

Statewise tiger deaths: from January 1 to August 19, 2009

Source: Wildlife Protection Society of India.

Andhra Pradesh: 1 tiger poached, 1 skin seized
Assam: 6 tigers found dead, 1 found incapacitated dies, 1 shot dead by forest dept., 1 tigress poached, 5 kg bones, 4 canines and other body parts seized
Goa: 1 tiger poached
Karnataka: 6 tigers found dead, 4 tiger skins seized
Madhya Pradesh: 1 skin seized, 1 tigress poached, 10 tigers including 3 cubs found dead
Maharastra: 7 tigers including 3 cubs found dead.
Manipur: 2 skulls, 2 paws and 16 kg bones seized
Orissa: 1 tiger poached
Rajasthan: 1 tigress found dead
Tamil Nadu: 1 skin seized, 1 cub found dead
Uttar Pradesh: 2 tigers found dead, 1 tiger shot dead by forest dept., 30 kg bone seized
Uttarakhand: 6 tigers found dead, 1 skin and skeleton seized
W. Bengal: 1 tiger found dead, 2 skins and 1 skeleton seized

(Mercy is a Journalist based in Delhi. She did her English Journalism from Indian Institute Of Mass Communication (IIMC, New Delhi). She worked in a prestigious Publication House in Delhi. At present she's with one of the leading English news dailies in the country. Having a good experience of working with various NGO's specifically in North-East, She loves her motherland and takes great pride in writing about issues pertaining to North-Eastern part of India.)